Saturday 5 January 2013

The Confidant eps 11-14

Maggie Shui was going to poison Michelle Yim but chose not to in the end.

Raymond Cho was evil, he betrayed Michelle by helping Power's great uncle, who happens to work for Maggie Shui. It turn out that Raymond Cho was "undercover" as he is loyal to Michelle Yim.

Wayne thought Raymond Cho betray the Michelle. In the end it was reveal that Raymond is very loyal to his rightful owner.

Oscar Chan is evil. He works for Power's great uncle. NO! I was hoping that he can be a good guy again, not work for the bad side!

Power is somehow kind to Raymond Wong. It happen to be that Raymond Wong was uncover the truth that Michelle may be poison in the food, and he was helping Wayne. Raymond was caught with the princess, Aimee. Things turn out terrible as Aimee was lock in her room and Raymond Wong was lock in a cage. Yep, its a small prison. Maggie felt sympathy and allow Raymond Wong to escape outside instead of killing him. Power was supposed to let him go. On the way, Raymond Wong ask Power if he could silently say goodbye to Aimee.

Raymond Wong and Power were going to escape but Power caught them. Aimee told him what is the meaning of best friend is. Power hesitated and said, "Why do you guys have to do this to me?" he knock out one of his follower and hand Aimee the medal that grant them to the outside world.

On the day that Michelle Yim was going to reveal the truth about Maggie, there was a fire and no one could leave or enter the palace. It happen to be the day that Raymond Wong and Aimee was going to escape. 

The King was kidnapped. Wayne and along with eunuch went to search for the King. Raymond Wong, Aimee, Edwin, Power, Wayne and other eunuch couldn't find the king. The King told his dog to go find "old turtle," referring to Wayne. It was train to look for Wayne when the king was in trouble.

The dog lead the eunuch to the king hiding place. The eunuchs used the powder to seem smoky and they got in. Wayne persuade Power's great uncle to turn around. He did.

Maggie wasn't behind all the betrayal it was another person with a higher level. The King was return.

The man that betrayed them were sent to prison. Michelle couldn't take the shocking events one after another.  She left quietly.

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