Friday 13 July 2012

On Call 36 pre-wedding translate

Hey guys!
I know that On Call 36 has already been shown. I figure that at least I can do is translate this. Previously, I had post up the video of eps 24 of the pre-wedding. Unfortunately, it got remove due to TVB copyright.
So here it is:

Kenneth (Cheung Yat Kin): Sorry, sorry about this. May I ask for everyone attention? I want to marry Fan Chi Yu
Benjamin: About time he starts. (Everyone clap and cheer)
Him:  Chi Yu didn’t choose the wrong person.
Tavia (Fan Chi Yu) :  Sorry everyone. What are you doing? Today is Wing and Bong’s wedding.
Kenneth: Time is running out. I want to marry you.
Priest: Sorry but it doesn’t work this way, sir.  The law doesn’t work this way.
Kenneth: I know due to the law I can’t marry her right now. I just want everyone to witness this. Let me borrow this (snatch the card off the priest).  I, Cheung Yat Kin want to marry Fan Chi Yu as my lawful wife. Even if it’s young or old, rich or poor, healthy or sickness, I will always protect you. What is it? Worried that I regret this. Scared that I didn’t think this through. Worried that I have to look after you for the rest of my life.  The words for proposal are meaningless if you just read it off from a card. You have to say it from your heart. When we are young and healthy, of course it’s love. When we’re old and wrinkly, sick and witness each other dying. Is that not loved? If in the future you won’t let each go, then right now it should be the same. If your partner is sick and you don’t love them, then it isn’t true love. No one knows how long and short our life span is, even if we are doctors we can’t guarantee that we live forever. The words of proposal don’t say we have to guarantee to die old, but is does guarantee that we love each other through sickness and old. Do you understand?
Tavia: (sobs and nod)
Kenneth: Fan Chi Yu, I ask you one more time. Through sickness and old, will you be by my side?
Tavia: (Sobs and hug Kenneth)
Everyone claps

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